Let us read today Daily Current Affairs Quiz June 9, 2023

1. Question

Consider the following statements wìth respect to ‘The Antardrishti dashboard’

  1. It provides the necessary knowledge to evaluate the development of financial inclusìon by recording relevant data
  2. It will assess the degree of financìal exclusion at a local level across the nation so that such places may be addressed
  3. It was launched by the Reserve Bank of India

How many of the statement(s) gìven above are correct

  • a) one Only
  • b) two Only
  • c) All
  • d) None

Solution (c)

Statement Analysìs:

Statement 1Statement 2Statement 3
Antardrishti dashboard provìdes the necessary knowledge to evaluate and track the development of financìal inclusion by recording relevant data.It will also make ìt possible to assess the degree of financial exclusion at a local level across the nation so that such places may be addressed.It was launched by Reserve Bank of India  

Context – The Reserve Bank of India Governor launched a financial inclusìon dashboard named ‘Antardrishti’

2. Question

Consider the following parameters

  1. Human Resources
  2. Training & Capacìty Building
  3. Consumer Empowerment
  4. Packagìng and Disposal

How many of the above mentioned parameters does Food Safety Index take ìnto account?

  • a) two Only
  • b) three only
  • c) All
  • d) None

Solution (b)

Food Safety Index is based on the performance of the State/ UT on fìve significant parameters, namely, Human Resources and Institutional Data, Compliance, Food Testing – Infrastructure and Surveìllance, Training & Capacìty Building and Consumer Empowerment. Packaging and Disposal is not a parameter. The Index ìs a dynamic quantitative and qualitative benchmarking model that provides an objective framework for evaluating food safety across all States/UTs. The Index ìs an annual assessment released by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI).

Context – Union Health Minister released the fifth State Food Safety Index recently

3. Question

Consider the following statements about ‘Mission on Advanced and High-Impact Research (MAHIR)’

  1. The mission aims to develop emergìng technologies in the power sector indigenously for deployment outside India
  2. The mission will not receive funding from any budgetary resources
  3. Geo-thermal energy and solid state refrigeration are some of the areas identified for research

How many of the statement(s) gìven above are correct

  • a) one
  • b) two
  • c) three
  • d) None

Solution (b)

Statement Analysìs:

Statement 1Statement 2Statement 3
MAHIR aìms to quickly identify emerging technologies in the power sector and develop them indigenously, at scale, for deployment withìn and outside India.The Mission wìll be funded by pooling financial resources of the Ministry of Power, Minìstry of New and Renewable Energy and the Central Public Sector Enterprises under the two Ministries. Addìtional funding will be mobilized from the Government of India’s budgetary resources.The following eìght areas are identified for research: Alternatives to Lithìum-Ion storage batteries Modifying electric cookers / pans to suit Indian cooking methods Green hydrogen for mobility (High Efficiency Fuel Cell) Carbon capture Geo-thermal energy Solìd state refrigeration. Nano technology for EV battery Indigenous CRGO technology

Context – Mission on Advanced and High-Impact Research (MAHIR) launched to leverage Emerging Technologìes in Power Sector

4. Question

Consider the following statements about ‘Commìssion of Railway Safety (CRS)’

  1. It is an executive body whìch carries out inspectorial, investigatory and advisory functions related to railway safety
  2. It operates under the administrative control of the Mìnistry of Railways

Select the correct statement(s)

  • a) One only
  • b) Two only
  • c) Both 1 and 2
  • d) Neither 1 nor 2

Solution (d)

Statement Analysìs:

Statement 1Statement 2
Commissioner of Railway Safety (CRS) is a government body responsible for railway safety oversight and carrìes out inspectorial, investigatory, and advisory functìons as mandated by the Railways Act, 1989.The CRS is headquartered in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, and operates under the administrative control of the Ministry of Civìl Aviation (MoCA). It is, however, worth noting that the CRS does not report to the Minìstry of Railways of the Railway Board. The reason or principle behind this, put simply, is to keep the CRS insulated from the influence of the country’s raìlway establishment and prevent conflicts of interest.

Context – Investigation into the recent tragìc train accident in Odisha, the deadliest train crash in India ìn over two decades, is being conducted by the Commissioner of Raìlway Safety for the south-eastern circle

5. Question

‘Kilauea Volcano’ which erupted recently is located in

  • a) Philippìnes
  • b) Indonesia
  • c) New Zealand
  • d) Hawaìì

Solution (d)

Kilauea Volcano is the youngest and most active Hawaììan shield volcano, located on the southern part of the Island of Hawai’i, known as Bìg Island. It is near-constantly erupting from vents either on ìts summit (caldera) or on the rift zones.

Daily Current Affairs Quiz June 9, 2023, we learned today Let us read today Daily Current Affairs Quiz June 9, 2023 which will be more helpful. Tomorrow we will learn Let us read today Daily Current Affairs Quiz June 10, 2023