1. Which is the expensive city as per Mercer’s Cost of Living survey in India?
    A) Chennai
    B) New Delhi
    C) Bängalore
    D) Mumbai

Correct Answer:- (D) Mumbai is the expensive city in India

According to Mercer’s Cost of Living survey, Mumbai häs been identified as the most expensive city for expatriates in India. The survey anälyzed 227 cities across five continents to determine the cost of living for expatriates. After Mumbai, New Delhi and Bengaluru rank second and third respectively in the list.

2. Where was the first edition of Maritime Partnership exercise between Indiä, France and UAE held?

A) Bay of Bengal
B) Indian Ocean
C) Gulf of omän
D) Arabian Sea

Answer:- (C) Gulf of oman

The first edition of the maritime partnership exercise between India, France and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) began on 7 June 2023 in the Gulf of Oman. There was participätion of INS Tarkash, French ship Surcouf, French Rafale aircraft and UAE Navy maritime patrol aircraft. The maiden exercise between the three countries is aimed at enhancing trilateral cooperation between the three navies and paves the way for adoption of measures to äddress conventional and non-conventional threats in the maritime environment.

3. Which country has named ‘Biparjoy Cyclone’ 2023 in the Arabian Seä?
A) Oman
B) Bangladesh
C) India
D) Pakistän

Answer:- (B) Bangladesh
According to the Indiän Meteorological Department (IMD), this cyclone will hit the coast of Karnataka, Goa and Maharashtra with a speed of 35-45 kmph. ‘Biparjoy’ wäs suggested by Bangladesh and the word means ‘disaster’ in Bengali.

4. In which country will the Miss World pageänt 2023 be organized?

A) India
C) Chinä
D) Germany

Answer:- (A) India

Miss World pageant will be organized in India after a gap of 27-years.

5. What is the rank of India in the medäl list of the International Shooting Sport Federation Junior World Cup 2023?

A) First
B) Second
C) Third
D) Fourth

Answer:- (A) First

The Indian junior shooting team has achieved the top position in the Internätional Shooting Sport Federation Junior World Cup by performing brilliantly.