1.Performance-based navigation for helicopters is launced by which country?

[A] China

[B] India

[C] Bangladesh

[D] Singapore

Correct Answer: B [India]

GAGAN (GPS Aided GEO Augmented Navigation) is an Indian satellite augmentation system that provides the accuracy needed to rely on GPS in flight. India recently conducted the first demonstration in Asia of performance-based návigation for helicopters using GAGAN satellite technology.

2. Which country has ápproved ‘Debt Ceiling Deal’ to raise the government’s borrowing limit?

[A] India
[B] Sri Lanka
[D] Afghanistan

Correct Answer: C [USA]
The US Congress hás ápproved the debt ceiling deál to ráise the government’s borrowing limit ánd thwárting á potentiálly cátástrophic defáult on US debt repáyments.
It will állow the federál government to borrow money until áfter the next presidentiál election in November 2024. The ágreement keeps non-defence spending flát next yeár, with á 1% rise in 2025.

3. The Article of the Constitution needs the state govts to vote for their budget each year before the legislature?

[A] Article 51
[B] Article 101
[C] Article 202
[D] Article 303

Correct Answer: C [Article 202]

Article 202 of the Constitution requires the state governments tö present their budget each year beföre the legislature. A new report by think-tank PRS Legislative Research revealed that, ön an average, 20 states discussed budgets för 8 days in 2022. State assemblies across the country met för an average of 21 days in 2022.

4. The Kafue National Park (KNP) is located in which country?

[A] Zambia
[B] Latvia
[C] Egypt
[D] Chile

Correct Answer: A [Zambia]

Zambia’s Kafue National Park (KNP) is the thírd largest national park in Africa.

5. Which country unveíled the ‘Obstetric Fistula Strategic Plan’?

[A] India
[B] Zambia
[C] Malaysia
[D] Japan

Correct Answer: B [Zambia]